Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Remain in Love, This Is My Dearest Wish; Remain in My Love!
Apparition of the King of Mercy on May 25, 2024 to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

A large golden ball of light floats above us in the sky, accompanied by two smaller balls of light. The large golden ball of light opens and the infant Jesus, the King of Mercy, comes down to us. The King of Heaven comes to us in golden clothing. The King of Mercy wears a golden robe decorated with many tendrils of lilies and red open lily flowers. The cloak of the King of Mercy is also embroidered and richly decorated. On His chest, the heavenly King wears a white host with the initials “IHS”. On His head, the King of Heaven wears a large golden royal crown set with red stones. He has short curly dark brown hair and I am allowed to look into His beautiful big blue eyes. In His left hand He holds the Vulgate, the Holy Scriptures, and in His right hand a large golden sceptre. Now the other two smaller spheres of light open and two angels dressed simply in radiant white emerge from these spheres of light. The childlike King of Heaven comes down to us and the angels spread His mantle over us. The King of Mercy speaks:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is Me - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let the people come to Me! Let the people come to Me! Let the people come to Me!"
All barriers are now removed and from now on people may always be close to the apparition of the King of Mercy because the Heavenly King wants this. The childlike King of Heaven speaks:
"Let the people come to Me, for they are in need of My nearness."
Now people come to their King of heaven full of joy.
The King of Mercy continues to speak and looks at us all:
“I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, your Lord and Savior. I come to you in the form of a child so that you can accept Me. This is how you should accept Me. I am the head of the Catholic Church! Even if people are failing, I am their head! Through the Church I give you the Holy Sacraments, in which I Myself am alive. Tomorrow you celebrate a Solemnity of My Love (Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity). The Father loves you, I love you infinitely and the Holy Spirit is your Comforter. Consider this well! I have often said to you: You are living in the time of tribulation! This is the last time before My return. I appear as King of Mercy before I come to you in justice and the way of My Church, the way, listen carefully, the way of My Church, is the way of My Mercy! Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood will attain Eternal Life! So you may live in sanctifying grace, never forget this! For all My absence, I am the Head of the Church and so I place the Catholic Catechism in your hearts, for the Church has fallen into tribulation. The Church is in the time of trial. This is happening in the time of tribulation, in the last time before My return. You are experiencing this time now and this is not a new teaching, you can find this in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I say to you: Remain faithful to the teaching of faith of your fathers in faith and I will give you abundantly with My love, with My grace. In whatever may come, seek refuge in My Precious Blood, in My Sacred Heart!”
Now the Host on the breast of the King of Mercy shines intensely and I see in the Host the Heart of the Heavenly King with a flame and a cross on top. The heart of the King of Mercy glows with love for mankind. He speaks:
"Have no fear! I will guide you through this time!"
Then the gracious King of Heaven puts His scepter to His heart and it becomes the aspergillus of His Precious Blood. He says:
"This is for all here and all who are joined to Me!"
Then the King of Mercy blesses us with His Precious Blood:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is Me - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
We are all sprinkled with the Precious Blood of the King of Mercy and He looks upon us and says:
"I look into your hearts and see your sorrows."
Now the Vulgate, the Holy Scriptures, opens in His left hand and I see the Bible passage Matthew 12:15-37:
"When Jesus heard this, He went away from there. Many followed Him and He healed them all. He commanded them that they should not make Him known, so that what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled. Behold, My servant whom I have chosen, My beloved in whom I am well pleased. I will put My Spirit upon Him and He will proclaim justice to the nations. He will not argue or shout and His voice will not be heard in the streets. He will not break the bruised reed or extinguish the smouldering wick until He has given victory to justice. And the nations will put their hope in His name. Then a possessed man was brought to Him who was blind and mute. He healed him so that the mute man could speak and see again. The crowd was stunned and said: "He only casts out demons with the help of Beelzebul , the ruler of the demons. But Jesus knew what they were thinking and said to them: Any kingdom divided against itself will not endure. So if Satan casts out Satan, then Satan is divided within himself. How then can his kingdom endure? And if I cast out demons through Beelzebul, through whom do your sons cast them out? That is why they will be your judges. But if I cast out demons in the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has already come to you. How can one enter the house of the strong man and steal his household goods unless he first binds the strong man? Only then can he plunder his house. He who is not with Me is against Me; he who does not gather with Me scatters. Therefore I say to you: every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Whoever says a word against the Son of Man will also be forgiven, but whoever says something against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the world to come: Either: The tree is good - then its fruit will also be good. Or: The tree is bad - then its fruit is also bad. So the tree can be recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you speak good things when you are evil? For what the heart overflows with, the mouth speaks of. The good man out of the good treasure brings forth good things, and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you, for every idle word that men speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment; for by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
Then says the King of heaven:
"Forgive those who speak evil, for they will have to answer to Me. Carry My love and the power of My reconciliation in your heart, for I too have forgiven everyone! Once again I exhort you: Pray for peace in the world so that war may not spread! I pour love into your hearts so that you, who call yourselves Christians, may love one another and continue to pour this love into the hearts of people. It is Satan who divides Christians, who causes them to be divided and to speak evil! Therefore, remain in love, this is My dearest wish; remain in My love! I come to you daily in the Holy Mass. Who among you comes to Me? When I have strengthened you in Holy Mass and you go out into everyday life and have closed the church door, then the divine service begins for you in everyday life. Consider this well! I not only want your devotion to Me in church, I also want it in everyday life! Therefore, meet each other in love and dignity and refrain from bad words. Wear the crown of My love in your hearts, wear the sonship of God with dignity. Look, I love you so much!"
The King of Mercy looks at us very lovingly and spreads out His arms as if He wanted to embrace us all with all His love and devotion. His heart beams down to us. He says to us:
"Again I say, have no fear, open your heart and come to Me!"
Then the King of Mercy desires prayer from us:
"O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Your mercy. Amen"
The Heavenly King says:
"Christianity was strengthened by Clovis. I would like to remind you of this. I did not choose Sievernich by chance. You should bear this in mind! Strengthen My love in the hearts of people today! Strengthen Christianity!
The King of Mercy bids farewell with a "Adieu!" and His final blessing:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is Me - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
M.: "Farewell, my Lord and my God!"
The King of Mercy goes back into the light and disappears and the two angels do the same.
This message is announced without prejudging the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Please refer to the passage on the message in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as indicated by the Lord. Just as the Lord told us, we found the said passage in the Catechism of the Catholic Church through the hint of a praying woman in the livestream: CCC, Article 7, No. 675 ff. Due to its importance, here is the attached text. Note that this is the teaching of the Catholic Church:
675 "Before the coming of Christ, the Church must undergo a final trial which will shake the faith of many. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will reveal the 'mystery of wickedness': a religious delusion of lies brings men a sham solution to their problems at the price of their apostasy from the truth. The worst religious deception is that of the Antichrist, that is, a false messianism in which man glorifies himself instead of God and his Messiah come in the flesh.
676 This deception directed against Christ is evident in the world every time one pretends to fulfill the messianic hope within history, which can only reach its goal post-historically through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected this falsification of the future kingdom, even in its moderate form, under the name of 'millenarianism', but above all the 'inverted' political form of secularized messianism.
677 The Church will only enter into the glory of the kingdom through this last Passover, in which she will follow the Lord in his death and resurrection. The kingdom will therefore not come about in steady progress through a historical triumph of the Church, but through the victory of God in the final battle with evil. In this victory, the bride of Christ will descend from heaven. After the last cosmic shaking of this world, which will pass away, God will triumph over the rebellion of evil in the form of the last judgment.
680 Christ the Lord already reigns through the Church, but not everything in this world is yet subject to Him. The kingdom of Christ will triumph only after a final onslaught of the forces of evil."
681 On the day of judgment, at the end of the world, Christ will come in glory to bring about the final victory of good over evil, which in the course of history grew side by side like wheat and tares in a field.
682 When He comes at the end of time to judge the living and the dead, the glorified Christ will uncover the innermost dispositions of hearts and repay each person according to his works, depending on whether he has accepted or rejected grace."
Why does the King of Mercy say “this is Me” in His words of blessing? Many people could not understand this. Here is the solution! On May 25, 2024, after the apparition, a praying person came to me with a book. He pointed me to the words of blessing spoken by the King of Mercy and showed me a book containing the story of the infant Jesus of Prague (Das gnadenreiche Prager Jesulein das Heilige römische Reich und unsere Zeit, Ferdinand Steinhart, ISBN 385406096 X, Mediatrix-Verlag Zischkin und Co. GmbH). The infant Jesus appeared to a Carmelite who produced the child Jesus after the apparition and the infant Jesus then told him "this is Me". These words are also spoken to us today by the King of Mercy. Here is an excerpt from the story of the Infant of Prague:
“The history of the origin of this image of grace can be read in the relevant literature:
Between Cordoba and Seville, south of the Guadalquivir (according to others in the Toledo area), there once stood a famous Carmelite monastery which, however, had been almost completely destroyed by the Moors. Among the four surviving Carmelites who stayed in the ruins was the pious Brother Joseph a. S. Casa, who was generally known for his love of the mystery of the childhood of Jesus. One day, as he was sweeping, a small child of rare grace came up to him and watched him attentively: 'You are really good at sweeping, Brother Joseph', it said to him after a while, 'the floor is spotless'. But can you also pray a Hail Mary?' ;'Oh yes!' ;'Then pray it immediately...' Brother Joseph put the broom aside, collected himself for a moment and then said the angel's greeting devoutly. At the words ;'and blessed is the fruit of thy womb', the child interrupted him with the words : 'This is Me' and disappeared. Brother Joseph looked after him full of longing.”
Later, when Brother Joseph was making the infant Jesus of Prague, the infant Jesus apparitioned to him in his cell surrounded by angels and He said: 'I have come that you may look at Me and that your statue may become like Me. He set to work and the baby Jesus was finished. Later, he fell to his knees in deep emotion and died. That same night, Brother Joseph apparitioned to his prior, who had brought the statue into the church in solemn procession, and said to him: 'This statue that I have made is not intended for you. A year from today, Dofia Isabella Manrique de Lara will visit you and you will give it to her. Dona Isabella will then give it to her daughter Maria as a wedding present, and she will take the statue with her and bring it to Bohemia. In the capital of that country, she will then be invoked by the peoples and nations as the 'Gracious Infant Jesus of Prague'. Grace, peace and mercy will descend on the land that the Jesulein has chosen as His dwelling place, and the people of that land will be His people, and He will be called His King.”
Source: From the book “Das Gnadenreiche Prager Jesulein das Heilige Römische Reich und unsere Zeit, Ferdinand Steinhart, Mediatrix-Verlag Zischkin u. Co. GmbH, 1988, page 32 -34.
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